A teacher candidate's blog focussed on tasty foods, diabetes awareness, and all things education

Competency Resource/Curation Post

I’ve never been someone who uses online mediums  for organizing my resources, but after playing around a little bit with Feedly I can understand the appeal!

The first aspect of Feedly that I found extremely appealing was its relatively simple and user-friendly interface. After making an account, I found myself being immediately easily able to search for resources pertaining to my free inquiry project, follow them, and have them organized into wonderfully accessible lists.

I quite like that Feedly offers you the option to look at your resources as an aggregated “News Feed”, separate resource feeds, or as a comprehensive list of all your resources all collected together. Additionally, being able to switch the lists’ article viewing styles (my preference being the “Magazine View) allows the user even more preferential customization options.

One more thing I like about Feedly is that by clicking on your resources’ names on their pages, you are automatically forwarded to their website. This made for a greatly helpful and user friendly experience when  wanting additional information on a certain resource as it wasn’t necessary to go to Google or another search engine and search from there.

(Here you can click on “Cooking Korean food with Maangchi” and it directs you to her site – a great cooking site by the way!)

Although I’ve only just started using the site, I would highly recommend Feedly for anyone looking to start a user-friendly and easily accessible resource bank.


  1. risingtideteacher

    Thank you for the tips! I hadn’t really figured out Feedly until your post.

    • scmteacher

      Glad I could help! It seems like a super useful platform.

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