It’s been a minute since I’ve posted an official update to my free inquiry project on home cooking and carb counting, so here we go!

In the past month or so we’ve been quite busy, so I haven’t been cooking as much as I’d ideally like to. With practicum coming soon myself (and most of my classmates too!) have been deeply engrossed in our students and preparation of units, lessons, and everything in between. I have, however, found some time to cook a few dishes and make some updates to my WordPress site that I will document in this blog post.

You must be wondering, what in the world is this dish? Lasagna, or maybe macaroni and cheese? The answer is neither! It’s a Japanese dish called カレードγƒͺγ‚’ (Curry Doria).

Curry Doria is a three layered dish. The bottom layer is simply a bed of Japanese rice, the middle is a layer of Japanese curry (with pork, carrot, potato, etc), and the top is simply mozzarella cheese. This dish can be quite commonly found at Japanese supermarkets or convenience stores but I’ve never seen anything that was quite the same here in Canada. I personally absolutely love Japanese curry and cheese so this dish, while quite basic, is one of my all time favourites!

The next dish I made recently was キムチ鍋 (Kimchi Nabe), which somewhat translates to Kimchi hot-pot! The picture above fails to show just how delicious this dish was but trust me when I say that it was absolutely fabulous! The entire dish contained almost no carbs at all, as it’s basically all veggies (chinese cabbage, kimchi, mushrooms, etc), lean meat, and tofu! This is a great option for diabetics, or anyone who’s going for a low carb diet.

Lastly, while I don’t have any pictures, I’ve been playing around with my slow cooker a little in the last month. So far I’ve made BBQ pulled pork and savoury slow cooked chicken thighs and up next on my list is beef brisket! Yum!

Additionally, I’ve now caught up with updating all my home cooking posts with mini descriptions and carbohydrate information.

Until next time!